サイズ:51/2 x 50
I tried to fire a cigar with 2-3 cigar matches which showed at You Tube. Without cut the cap, scorch the foot gently by the first match. if you think not enough use second one. Then cut the cap, fire the foot.
I could feel elegance that is, the time flies gently and I can prepare to have a cigar.
さて、RPらしい甘さが最初から。芋系かな? おだやかで癖がない。煙量も豊富でドローも良好。PERDOMOにありがちなスカスカ感はなくてちょうど良い。
It gave me a sweetness like sweet potato from the first puff. At first third, you can taste gentle but no habit. Enough smoke,good draw. When I draw PERDOMO I feel hollow often. Compare with PERDOMO, this cigar has tighter draw.
着火良好だったので片燃えもせずに静かに進む。香りはシダー系かな? きつく感じるところもなく、一緒にいた後輩が通りすがりにいい香りですねと・・・ ちょっと席を離れると香りのよさが出るのかも。
It has good burning i tasted mild sweetness gently. You can also feel aroma of cedar. Not strong aroma, my friend said good smoke smell. I enjoyed for 90 minutes as the fire gone. I finished smoking before last 5cm. Might be it leaved acridity.
ただ、味わいの変化がやや乏しいか? ま、$6で買えるシガーでこれだけおいしいんだからいいんじゃないでしょうか? つか、アメリカで感じた、あのくっさいシガーの臭いはなんだったんでしょうか? $6くらい出せばこれだけいい香りなのに・・・もっと安いってことかorz
It doesn’t give you a dramatic change of taste and aroma, but still It is a good cigar for $6.
I wonder why American people draw the cheap, bad smell cigars, even a $6 cigar gives you peaceful time.