
List Price: $6.25
Origin: Nicaragua
Length: 6
Ring Gauge: 38
Wrapper: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua
久し振りのコロナサイズで着火のよさに改めて感心するww 着火がよければ燃焼もよくクールスモーキングも進むから大事なところ。
I haven’t been having a corona size, I realized how corona size cigar is easy to fire. It effects burning and cool somoking. Firing is so important.
同じHavana VIでもサイズが違うと味も随分と異なるものだねえ。甘みが最初の一口から感じられるのだが、こちらは果実系ではなく芋系ww ほくほくした栗とも言えるかな?
Even, same series of Havana VI, this cigar is different from Hermosos. Sweetness is diffrent. From the first puff, it tastes sweet, but,it is like a potato like sweet, a chesnaut’s sweetness, not like berries.
Gentle atmosphere taste, aroma is also gentle grass, it continues with sweetness. When I tried corona size, I often felt bitter sometimes harshness. But, this cigar has no harshness.
Burning is also good.
タチュアヘの作りの良さと味わいはキューバンに劣ることはないし、いわゆるコストパフォーマンスを考えたら、こちらがいいかもね。 そろそろ、ニカラグアンも吸うシガーを固定化してもいい頃合かもしれない。
Tatuaje’s cigars have good construction and good taste, they are not beaten by the Cuban cigars, think about cost performance, Tatuaje is much much better than Cuban’s. I might get the cigars from the Tatuaje’s without seeking a new one any more.